Saturday, 13 October 2012

Simon & Maria's Wedding in Maidenhead

After several weddings "off the patch" we were a bit more local this week for Simon and Maria who were married at St Josephs in Maidenhead. We made three trips to the church, picking Simon and his Best Man up from The Olde Bell, Hurley to take them to the church. The Olde Bell is one of the oldest Inns in the country and oozes charm and character.  Next we were off to a local address in Maidenhead to collect Mum and Bridesmaids before returning for Maria and her Father. Unfortunately the rain started just as the ceremony finished limiting the opportunity for photos at the church. Thankfully when we reached Hurley the sun was out for a photo session at the Olde bell which was the location for the reception.

Simon & Maria at The Olde Bell

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