Friday, 7 December 2012

Our Christmas guarantee: one price, no hidden extras

We know that there are a multitude of ways in which online retailers try to bump up their margins.  They call them delivery charges, administration fees, booking fee, processing fee, any one of a number of fancy names.  We call them a rip off. Whatever you buy from Great Escape Classic Car Hire this Christmas we guarantee that the price you see advertised is the full price you pay.  And nothing more.
Our philosophy here at Great Escape Classic Car Hire is pretty simple.  We want you to enjoy what we enjoy, which is our classic cars.  We believe in honesty and fairness and hidden charges just don't fit into that approach.  We don't even charge card processing fees.  The only extra that appears anywhere on our price list is if you want to add additional drivers to your hire.  When you buy online the price you see already includes VAT and delivery where applicable.

When you choose to hire a classic car from us we make the package you get clear and transparent.  For each car we list the price, the location, the mileage allowance and the insurance excess.  We also include a Frequently Asked Questions page, full description of our Terms and Conditions (in normal, easy to read type size) and an explanation of our Insurance Excess and Insurance cover.  
"We charge one comprehensive price for each gift package and each car," explains Graham Eason of Great Escape.  "We think that is the fairest and most transparent way to work with customers.  
"It seems to have become standard practice online for retailers to advertise a low headline price and then bump up the cost through delivery charges, VAT and processing fees.  I don't see why our customers should pay extra for us to process their booking or book not knowing that the price excludes VAT.

"We not only advertise the full price you pay but we have also kept our prices the same for 24 continuous months.  So in real terms, the price now is cheaper than it's ever been."
Great Escape is the UK's largest and busiest classic car hire company with a fleet of 60 cars available to hire from 9 locations.  You can find out more by visiting or call  01527 893733  
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