Thursday, 31 May 2012


In Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, the last weekend of May is about Millions of Youth Gathering, and most importantly for me, they organized a classic car show and invited Royal Selangor Club members to cheer up the moment with their precious rides. This time, lets approach things a little differently with more classics from west side, starting with this solid red MGB Roadster convertible.

But that doesn’t mean that every car was from western side. Some came from the land of JDM. Next to the MG was this striking yellow Civic CRX on stock OEM wheels.

Things became more serious with this super clean Mercedes Benz vintage, looking good on white wall.

Just around the corner, I was amazed with this unique Alfa Romeo…

...and more importantly, it is the original Alfetta GTV version. A very handful unit in Malaysia.

All types of the breed could be seen, including second-generation type cars like this Jaguar MKII.

And the event would not be a success without some Japanese classics… one of Royal Selangor Club member brought his 510 Bluebird to impress JDM lovers.

One of my favorite vintage on that day, this Amazon 123GT was so attractive that I can’t resist falling in love with.

Hunting for hot babes anyone? This BMW 635C SI is a good weapon.

More French goodies on that day with this Peugeot 404. It may looked average from this view…

…but those pointing and sharp curves turned it into something.

If I am not mistaken, this was the car model that the Allahyarham P. Ramlee drove in ‘Madu Tiga’ movie, the Triumph Spitfire.

And this unknown vintage (apology for my ignorance) , but the design is pretty unique with the taillight at the same level to the wheel.

I don’t think this beauty needs a caption, and it is your lucky day to find a stock condition 280ZX…

...which it looks like just stepped out of dealership in 1980’s. You envy Fairlady enthusiasts?

Another pristine condition marque by Ford, meet this Escort MKI 4 door sedan.

With shiny and sparkling color, I just admired how they managed to keep their car up to this condition.

The icon of the world, and you are not living on earth if you do not know this bug.

Amazingly, this Beetle was restored with original Volkswagen parts. I believe the owner is a VW purist.

Undeniably yes, and it’s the matter of right foot…

The cutest little thing ever produced, this Mini looked business in brownish-purple color.

One of my findings from the event and looks like someone drove over this vintage Fiat 1100 from 1960’s. Another time machine? Ask the owner perhaps.

Along with much more from this amazing event in Part 2. Stay tuned.
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